
  • It took me a few days of flipping past this movie before I finally convinced myself to see what it was about, but I was surprised to find that it was actually entertaining. Whiteboys looks into the lives of farmtown white kids obsessed with black "gangsta" rap and the lifestyle that seems to surround it. This movie is filled with funny moments but also has some pretty serious moments. As I read the other comments, I noticed the main people offended was from Iowa, and everyone else just had something go over their head. I can say that even though I've never met any white boys this stupid, it is some wannabees out there who may have saw this movie and saw themselves a little bit. I found it funny the way they saw Khalid because I see that happen all the time. I can't tell you how many times someone has came to me assuming that I automatically know where to get drugs from. On the flip side, it is also some black kids in suburbia who idolize a thug lifestyle and wish to try to live it out,too. So really it not so much about race as it is dealing with growing up, coming of age, and finding yourself and all those things. Oh yeah, you can throw in rebelling from your parents, too. It was intersesting to see how the characters had changed by the end of the movie. I guess I'm done rambling now, but this is definitely worth renting when you've ran out of big name moives to rent, personally I'd buy the DVD but wouldn't spend more that $15 to buy it.