
  • These have got to be the most harmless bunch of army men the world has ever seen. They're on automatic about firing at the enemy but they'd never intentionally harm one. They can't even harm a duck. A pacifist film for the Korean war. Even the Asians are treated well, in fact they're in the army with the Americans fighting against others from the North (was it the North?) Why is this film made in Britain? It's cute to see the obligatory girl scene for the buddy movie genre, which over the last ten years has traditionally taken the boys to a strip club, in this film take the form of a visit from a USO entertainer. She sings about loving men from the armed forces (collectively) because she loves the force of their arms. A great double feature with Apocalypse Now!

    It looks like this was the last of six films featuring the Hal Roach team of Sgts. Dorian "Dodo" Doubleday and William Ames.