• I think most of you aren't looking at this film from a wide enough perspective. It's basicaly a coming of age story, given a little horror twist. A young girl growing up in a cruel environment, admonished for being different. You people are taking this Two Sadokos thing way to seriously. The Evil and Good half i believe was there to represent the good and evil within us all, and the events which lead up to us letting in to our dark sides. It was the same tale with Luke Skywalker, the same tale in the movie May. Even the name of her first play, The Mask, hinted at this.

    A tragic tale of a girl who is bitter at a world who just won't accept her. A girl who becomes so enraged at being "locked away" for her differences, that she has nothing better to do but slowly die, and kill those who would never accept her kind.

    A good movie, and excellent prequel.
