• Warning: Spoilers
    ugh god, i was so annoyed by everything in this movie, all i can say is simply don't waste money on it. watch it for its incredible annoyance capacity, but don't actually pay for it.

    there's nothing special about anything in this movie. the plot is dull and trite, the acting is horrible, the sound effects are frequently poorly timed and delivered, and the imagery isn't the least bit provoking. there's no message used in this movie at all; but it's a sequel to a movie which really didn't need one or leave much room to cause one, so what can be expected?

    ****** spoiler *******

    the characters in this movie are so annoying, you wish they'd all die. i was especially happy to see remi get stabbed in the abdomen by one of the roaches. i swear, i've never seen a character so self-obsessed and ..broken by day to day life, as well as repulsively interested in arthropods. the satisfaction of seeing her betrayed by her gross interest was quickly dashed, as she winds up nursed back to health by the said roach, which seems to have chosen her for a mate. i won't even begin to list all the things just plain stupid about that.

    the slashing end to the movie would have been fine; but it's too unbelievable an action coming from remi. i could see her easily castrating klaski, but never hurting one of her precious insect friends.

    beyond that, i don't really remember much from the movie. that's how dull it is. i'm thinking of complaining to hollywood video so i can get a free rental of something worthwhile. i recommend you do the same if you should rent this. trust me, the staff will "understand".