• Saw "The Tick" sit-com last night. Weird. Really Weird. I have to first say that I loved the animated series and have seen nearly all of the original episodes. I was skeptical of a live-action series. Here are my thoughts after watching the pilot.

    Likes: The freedom of subject matter due to the evening time slot as opposed to Sat mornings. (Sexual innuendo, mention of the word "tit", Captain Liberty's cleavage...) The deliberately low-budget look. ("Jimmy Carter" was in the pilot, but they only showed him from behind.) The animatronics for the Tick's antennae (they MOVE!) and Arthur's wing-deployment mechanism (it's a dead-on copy of the cartoon).

    Dislikes: The Tick's face is completely exposed (just doesn't look like the Tick to me). Lacks the rapid-fire pacing of the cartoon. The live-action Tick has nowhere near the enthusiasm of his animated counterpart (but he does narrate his actions constantly).

    This is one of those "wait and see how it goes" kinda shows. No matter which way it goes, however, it doesn't have enough main-stream appeal to last more than a season.