• This movie was absolutely horrible. Maybe the humor was too sophisticated for me, though I seriously doubt it. The editing was sloppy, the plot completely preposterous, and the majority of acting was bland and non-descript. Whoever told Harry Connick, Jr. that he could act must have had a few too many tequilas in their system at that point. Or maybe it was his mom. Either way, he can't do it. I found that he brought down the film's energy to a point that it was basically flatlining. Sarah Jessica Parker, who I think is a great actress but just makes a lot of bad choices for her roles, tried her hardest to play off of him, but his monotone delivery didn't give her anything to work with. Not that everyone else was superb...Parker was overly cutesy and I ended up disliking her tremendously by the end, and not just because of the whole killing thing. I just thought that her character was annoying. Teri Garr's role was little more then a cameo, which surprised me, seeing her drawing power ever since Tootsie. I barely remember anything about her performance. Everyone else seemed a little too aware of themselves...the cops tried way too hard to be funny, though the "Rome, Georgia" bit did make me chuckle. Surprisingly, the only actor who struck me, or dare I say it, impressed me, was MtV's very own Johnny Knoxville. Now, I'm not saying he's ready for the Royal Shakespeare Company, but he definitely has potential to be a good actor. He came across as a sleazy, goofy guy, albeit an underwritten role. Knoxville is obviously a charismatic guy...if he wasn't, no one would've bothered with Jackass for as long as they did. But don't waste your time on this little crap of a film...if you want to see Sarah Jessica Parker, watch Sex and the City. Teri Garr? Tootsie's always a great pick. A Johnny fan? Jackass: The Movie is rentable now. And Mr. Connick, Jr. has plenty of recordings for you to listen to. Just please, please don't spend your money on their collective effort...you will regret it.