
  • Pretentious and claustrophobic. A sort of "Waiting for Godot" in the form of "No Exit."

    Two guys, who are supposed to be old friends, but who obviously hate each other, are seemingly trapped in a motel room. At least no explanation is given for them being there and why they stay. One is an impulsive, narcissistic jerk and the other a nattering young busybody. They get on each other's nerves like you wouldn't believe, but for some reason which defies all sense of psychological reality, they stay together in that awful motel room.

    Other reviewers have spoken of the "writing," but the dialog in this flick sounds more like bored actors trying to ad-lib rather than something that somebody actually wrote. They start repeating themselves, "What do you mean, you slept with her?" "I slept with her." "How did you sleep with her?" "What do you mean HOW did I sleep with her?""How did you sleep with her? What did you DO?""Why do you want to know that?" "Just tell me how did you sleep with her?" You get the drift. It's like that for the whole movie. I was waiting for one of the characters to kill the other, but no such luck. A girl shows up. Maybe she'll kill them. I won't give away the ending. Maybe it never ends....