
  • ... but thank God he was in it, he was the ONLY good thing about it (well, Reese Witherspoon did a good accent, so that was good too).

    This is a classic, brilliant Oscar Wilde play and it was totally boring, very unfunny and very stilted. They all seemed like actors pretending they were living in the era, in amongst over the top sets and oodles of extras.

    I can't say I laughed out loud at all, so the hilarity I have always experienced on seeing this in the theatre was totally missing.

    The locations were lovely, but the script was either a bad adaptation or else it was just so badly directed that it just couldn't ever work.

    Thank God Colin Firth rose above the mediocrity of this awful movie, and Reese Witherspoon and he, will both remained unscathed by this unwatchable remake.

    And by the way, Judi Dench was at her very worst in this movie, even she didn't seem to believe what she was doing!

    I would recommend anyone to wait until this movie comes free to TV, that way you can sleep through it and not be miffed you paid to see it!