• Warning: Spoilers
    For a "B" movie, this attempt really RAWKED. If you're into the Werewolf legends, and a fair share of gore, this is gonna be a must-see for you. The suspense is wonderful, and the musical score is far better than anything you'd expect from a production such as this. The story and dialog are extraordinarily realistic lending an almost desperate believability to this attempt.

    The performances were realistically done by all. I was most impressed with the quality of energy these guys gave to this work. Quite honestly, I figured, "Yeah, yeah; another crappy little nothing movie everybody loves and I'll detest." I'm glad to report that I was wrong. This movie was a delightful surprise, filled with suspense, atmosphere, action and wolves. Lotso' werewolves. Just excellent work all around. Even the werewolves look good, along with the blood effects. I was honestly impressed.

    Some critics have labeled this work as "ridiculous." That almost put me off giving this one a chance. I am glad I did not listen. To those who have lost the ability to believe, then it may be ridiculous. But for those of us who still have an imagination, movies like this can be entertaining ventures into the myth that once was legend.

    You never notice the lack of budget. At least, I didn't. Not once.

    On My "B" scale, this rates an 8.8/10.

    On My "A" scale, it rates a 6.2/10 from...

    the Fiend :.