• Before writing about it. And I still feel the same. It went too flat too quickly. There were many elements to dislike in the movie, the editing for one, I kept thinking there were body doubles doing the somersaults for Catherine and for Renee, too much quick intercutting. And Richard Gere, I thought the man was going to die of embarrassment when he had to tap or sing. I was right there with him feeling a squirm coming on. Now I have read all the raves and I am surprised. I feel like I am the only one in the world to feel this disappointment. The hype was so great everywhere, but I still feel like someone put something over on me, I was tricked. Now all that said, the highlights for me were John C. Reilly and "Cellophane Man", an absolute knockout and Queen Latifah when she sang and danced (again heavily edited), not when she tried to act like the matron, because again, I sensed her embarrassment. A standout scene also are the six women singing and dancing in the jail cells. 7 out of 10. I might have missed something.