
  • When I first looked at this series,I thought it would be another one of those stupidical braindead reality shows about a family with problems. Boy,was I wrong! This show really sells(the reason why you don't see this kind of shows anywhere on network TV that can come up with a good written sitcom.)! Its Ozzie and Harriet meets The Munsters in that freakish way! The Godfather of Heavy Metal rock Ozzy Osbourne is the quinessential father who goes through everyday situations with his kids and his lovely wife Sharon in their plush and really gothic Beverly Hills home. I have seen some new shows on the other networks that can't possibly touch this(and believe me what's on TV in prime time nowadays SUCKS!)and what more can I say here? Synoposis: The #1 show on cable television. Point Blank. Enough Said. Kudos to Ozzy.......The Osbournes RULE!!!!!!!