
  • Ok, well, this is my review of the Season 2 of "The Osbournes". If you read my first review, I said that I was hooked and that I loved the show. That was true. I felt the first season was more about Ozzy and Sharon and Kelly and Jack were just supporting characters. NOW, in Season 2, its "THE KELLY AND JACK SHOW". Basically its at the point where Jack and Kelly will put on a show for the audience and its getting ridiculous. I think the main difference is that this year, THEY KNOW how big they are, and last season, they had no clue of how big it would be. I mean, devoting an entire show to horny dogs is not my idea of great television. Nor is seeing Kelly yell and scream about how her life is so terrible and how she needs a break. Don't worry Kelly, you're break is coming, because I don't think this show will be on for very long and without this show, your "career" is just about over. I think if they showed more Ozzy and less of Jack and Kelly, it would be a better show, but oh well..

    Thanks for Reading my Review. Sorry Ozzy