• An intentionally corny 1960's-inspired bit of fluff pairing an early-version feminist with a handsome womanizer who works with a men's entertainment magazine. It's supposed to be "Pillow Talk", but Renee Zellweger isn't much of a latter-day Doris Day; she isn't cast right, or directed right, and her inflections and expressions are so questionable that when Ewan McGregor kisses and holds her, you have no idea what she's feeling. McGregor is miscast too, but manages to pull off a smarmy role with aplomb. David Hyde Pierce is a perfect third-banana (much as Tony Randall once was) and Tony Randall himself has a nice cameo--although it's shocking to see him looking so aged. The segues, music cues, split screens and elaborate sets are all snugly in place, but without the proper ingredients up front this send-up never quite clicks. ** from ****