• 18 February 2004
    This is a fairly enjoyable thriller , which tries to be slightly different and off the beaten path. The glue that holds this movie together is Amit. DEfinitly one of his better work in the past decade. The sequence where he is admonishing the politician towards the end of the movie , reminding him of his duty to the ordinary man was really effective and goosebump inducing:) the man can still bring it! Aish was Ok. Her role did not have much substance in my opinion and she did'nt blow me away with her acting. She still looks good though! Tusshar is stiff. Akshay is time pass. The Aish Aksh songs were good. I liked the fact that the muslim character was handled extermely sympathetically. How refreshing in this age of jingoistic patriotism!. At the end of the day, I wld urge you to watch this movie for Amitabh Bachhan Overall grade 8/10.