• This is the most daring, out there, hilarious show on Basic Cable TV.

    Dave Chappelle has taken a bit of everything out there, put it in comedic sketches and has driven them off the cliff. Make no mistake, for the weak hearted, some of his sketches will offend some folks, but for the rest of us, this is one of the funniest programs of the new season. Comedy Central did "good" in presenting this guy a show.

    Some of my favorite drop dead funny highlights from his first season (and I rate as must not miss...) sketches are "Ask a Black Dude" with Mr. Paul Mooney, "Ask A Gay Dude" with Mario, the "Pop Copy Training Video", "The Real World" spoof (Which is the most funniest spoof I've seen on this EVER!), the "Pretty Woman" spoof of 'if these movies were real life', the really out there "FrontLines" spoofs (The Hollywood animal one and the backwoods writer one are to die for!), the "World is Comming to an End Presidential Press Conference" and...the "Reparations" spoof had me on the floor in laughter.

    I sure hope Comedy Central remembers to turn in some of these to Emmy Voters, they are funny -- I cannot wait to see Chappelle present more of this in additional seasons.