
  • The Real Cancun is more of fly-on-the-wall social experiment than a movie. As such many will find it exceptionally boring - particularly those who aren't in their teens or early twenties. It's the sort of movie one can get up and leave for 10 minutes, come back, and not feel as if you've missed much.

    It is, however, mildly entertaining. If you're into sex, sex and more sex that is. And very pretty to look at. There are some beautiful shots of Cancun.

    One of the central characters - Alan - drove me nuts with his dumb obsession with seeing "boobies". If he's such a clean-cut,non-drinking geeky kinda guy why was he such an insensitive sleaze in this film? The whole "look here's a puny geek who comes of age and is accepted as a cool guy by the end of the movie" thing didn't go down to well if for no other reason than Alan really wasn't that much of a geek to start with!

    5/10 - *background* entertainment at best