
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I looked FORWARD to the movie considering the trailer. For the first 15 minutes I was trying to think of the words the movie brought forth and thought that the movie seemed so familiar. Finally, at 3/4 the way through the movie, I had the words... Think 'mad scientist' (after a genetics 'failure' that starts the movie.) around to protect his creation. Then a group of military that are dropped off and stranded on a frozen area by 'copter (the occasional countdown to its return just kept making me think of a countdown to the blessed end of the movie) out to kill the beast.

    As the military get slowly picked off by the creature, we have to listen to inane chatter about things that are not relevant to anything. (lets let the beast know where we are by talking!) Their attempt to create background on the characters of the military personnel. (I kept waiting to find out that they were convicts thrown together to attempt a rescue that was hopeless, for all the concentration that they gave their task as they were picked off.) As the movie focused more and more on the only female of the group... I'd call her a Ripley (Alien series) wanna be. I had taped the movie and kept forcing myself to continue, but kept finding excuses to watch something else. I love Sci-Fi. I have watched many over and over even when it's an just an old B-movie. But this ranks with movies that you wouldn't want to watch unless you are a sci-fi nut like me, but with nothing else to watch... late late at night. The creature was believable until the end, but what takes the cake is seeing the ending scenes of the creature (man in fancy lizard suit leaping like a frog) jump in blood induced motivation... and almost lick the woman a la Ripley style. Fortunately it ended and let me delete the movie wondering, if they wanted to destroy the monster, why didn't they just do it in the first place? I'll finish by saying, painfully predictable.