• If you want to look at the orgins of the so called "blaxploitation" movies of the 1970's, then look no further than "The Mack", as one of the forerunners. This movie explored the world of the street PIMP, which during that time, in the black community, was actually a quasi respected way of making a living. Up until that time, PIMPS were just accepted in the black community, however, this movie sort of "glorified" PIMPING, and gave it some twisted form of respectability. Not that PIMPS were looked upon as leaders in the community, on the contrary, they were not. However, with their flashy clothes, cars, and high end living, theirs was a profession that was envied by many. Men wanted to live out their fantasies of having multiple women, and PIMPS provided this escape.

    As far as the movie, for the time period, it was good. If you look at it 30 years after, you have to put it into perspective for the period. Max Julien is Goldie, a petty thief who turns to PIMPING upon his release from prison. Richard Pryor is his loyal sidekick, Slim, and together they go from the bottom to the top of the PIMP game. Along the way, you see the Goldie has a heart, it was is really a heartless business.

    Of course you have your crooked white cops and some other hilarious PIMPS. (NOTE: Some real live PIMP'S were also used in this movie, so it does have some degree of authenticity) Roger E. Mosley does a great job as Goldie's brother who is against everything that Goldie stands for.

    If you are interested in PIMPING, then this is a must see movie.