• With two different but both creative and entertaining sequences, this Our Gang comedy works very well. It features some lively yet believable performances by the young cast, and as a bonus there is also a fun cameo appearance by Harold Lloyd.

    Both the mock battle scene and the studio scene are full of good material, with some creative props and amusing gags. The mock battle is not only entertaining to watch, but also comes across as just the kind of thing that a group of imaginative children would conceive of. The sequence in the studio is less tightly organized, but it has a good manic pace to it, and it is high-lighted by some clever visual effects.

    The studio sequence also offers a pleasant, light-hearted look at the movie business, which is typical of this kind of scene in silent comedies. This lack of pretense in the way that many in the industry of the era saw themselves is quite a contrast from the ponderous self-importance of so many of today's film-makers. That could be one of the reasons why you so rarely see such lively, innocently enjoyable comedies like this anymore.