• This is a spoof chat show with Caroline Ahearne playing OAP Mrs Merton . The concept is that Mrs Merton will invite celebrities who are in on the joke onto the show and ask them cheeky questions :

    To lorraine Kelly : " What plans do you have for the menopause ? "

    To Debbie McGee : " What attracted you to the millonaire Paul Daniels "

    I've no idea if anyone phoned up to complain about Mrs Merton asking these type of personal questions ( Spoof chat show KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU did receive a barrage of complaints about the presenter Alan Partridge ! ) but one edition did feature a record number of complaints about one of its guests Bernard Manning

    For those who don't know Bernard Manning is an old hat working mans club comedian . The reason he's rarely seen is because

    a ) He wasn't all that funny to start with

    b ) His jokes usually involve outrageous racist comments

    So maybe he wasn't the greatest guest to have on in the first place , I mean it's not like he was going to go down well on a light hearted spoof chat show . He was seated next to the previous guest Richard Wilson and they both got into a heated argument with Manning making comments about Asians during the war and stating that because some people might have been born in England this in no way makes them English

    " So Bernard " Asked Mrs Merton " Apart from Aldoph Hitler who else do you admire ? "

    Cue some more comments about the war from Manning and meltdown at the BBC complaints department