• A 24 year old woman (Polley) is given her last days to live. Living in a trailer in her Mother's backyard with her newly employed husband and two small children, there are not many options for someone in Polley's shoes. She's not about to go around the world or skydive, et al. So, she's spends her last days preparing cassette's for each of daughters next 10 birthdays and living out her normal existence except for the fact of having an affair with the sadder Mark Ruffalo. The voice overs of Polley's thoughts either while she is shopping in a supermarket or hanging the laundry are beautiful thoughts of introspection that we often do not think about yet are so profound. hence the Kleenex. There are some beautifully drawn out character's here with back stories and faces of those of us. I especially loved the neighbor Ann, the doctor, and of course Ruffolo whose somber voice brings you into the usually solemn people that he portrays. As if the song, "God Only Knows" by the Beachboy's, the couple of versions sung here are great fillers. Polley gives an excellent performance with her affected Canadian accent of a girl who got pregnant at seventeen and really had prospectfull life ahead of her, yet the love that she gives others is very unselfish. It's a good film. We are all gonna die, so this is not a chick flick.