• This unsettling film has as its central theme that monogamy is somewhat cancerous, though not as cancerous as the deeply unpleasant characters who share this view. Set within color-coded interiors, very striking if a little garish, the film unfolds to reveal each character more deviant than the last and the whole married/unmarried combo-interaction between the four friends seems to fuse into one giant amoral heap that leaves the viewer numb and about as unromantic as one can feel! However, there is something extremely gripping about the whole experience, the brutality of the language, the bravery of the performance and possibly the sheer bravado of the director to make such a hateful film. A previous reviewer hailed the film misogynistic - which one character certainly is - but then proceeds not to comment on the actresses performances in the film but indeed praise their 'nipples' instead. And he calls the FILM misogynistic!!! Idiot! Not for everyone, clearly, but an unsettling alternative to the relationship drama.