
  • This refers to the TV version, so I might have missed something edited out.

    After reading the TV listing's blurb I was set for a boring movie. Boy, was I ever surprised. Before the first commercial I was treated to people who have very realistic appearances (they look like everyday people), new takes on some old humor, evil corporate bullying and delightfully lovable English nobility who can pull off a harmless stunt when cornered by life's uglier realities.

    Then came the Young People, otherwise known as an American band called Global Heresy, but they weren't the stereotypical, eye-rolling groaners. Definitely hip, loud, raucous and irreverent, they had good hearts as well as useable brains.

    I'm not sure why some people have a problem with O'Toole in this role, though I can guess that some people like their dramas straight-up and don't want O'Toole to be comedic. I thought all the main characters were delightful, and O'Toole's portrayal of a nobleman forced to "lighten up" is something special to be seen.

    I have *got* to see this again!