
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "He's bad...he's black...he's beautiful...and Tough! And that's no jive." I'm what you call a gifted film historian. Especially films of my era...the 70's. As shown, I can quote many films, the trailers, and the tag-lines. Another one from this was..."He'll steal your heart. He'sTough. Rated PG". I saw this when it was released with a double feature of "Together Brothers". Another rare black film. "Tough" was funny &dramatic with lessons to be learned. Remember when Johnny Tough's father made him spend the night in Jail? Then that tragicending. It makes you wonder today,"did the check bounce?". That's an old saying in Hollywood when a film suddenly ends with no explanation. they have to shut production down. I don't believe that was the case with "Tough". I miss the days when we had so many of our films to choose from that showcased a predominantly black cast. Who most times were "sticking it to the man"!