• I managed to get a free ticket last night (it was screened at the cinema I used to run) I had mixed opinions on it. The opening scene and credits were lovely, some nice shots and really nice ambient music. After that it got strange.

    Not strange good. i think the Director was more concerned with how good it looked and completely forgot about the script - people die and the characters don't seem to care but that didn't matter (apparently) as it would look good!!!! I liked to call it Matrix Reloaded Syndrome. Don't get me wrong it was a nice but the little technique the Director used got completely OVER used and in the bank scene (the most important scene) it just didn't look real.

    Sean Astin was of course the highlight. He was great as the geeky science boy but Vinnie Jones, why he felt he needed to put on an English accent when he already has one (you'll know what i mean when you see it) I'll never understand. This includes all the other bad guys.

    I did enjoy it though and the last 20 minutes or so were really good. i just wish that if there was a different Director (who wouldn't cast Vinnie Jones) as maybe that way the characters would have been a little better though out.