• You know it's a funny place the internet. All kinds of people, all kinds of opinions, some useful some not. Reading through a few of the reviews here I had to ask myself had we seen the same film as some of the reviewers? Take it from me this is a great film. It takes you on a roller coaster ride through time, forwards backwards sideways - sideways? Well OK sometimes you have to follow the plot closely but the people who got confused might be better off watching a straight space blaster. This is clever film making no mistake. And what's with the crazy criticism of the director Davis van Eyssen? This guy obviously has talent in spades and manages to create something that is visually stunning and exciting but that also carefully defines real characters and emotion. Finally I'm shocked to hear somebody having a go at Sean Astin. He acts his heart out in this film and shows real comic genius in the way he plays the main character. A class act. Let's get real here.