• This is by far and away the best historical drama aired by British television since Sharpe. Brilliant performances from the two leading males, with veteran actor Iain Glen vividly portraying the charismatic Alan Breck, and relative newcomer James Pearson giving a commendable performance as his somewhat unwitting side-kick Davie Balfour. Characters are developed sufficiently enough for one to actually care whether or not they survive the English occupation, whilst the script allows for some genuinely funny moments to emerge periodically, lightening the overall tone of the play whilst still maintaining the desperation of Alan, Davie and Catroina's plight. McGann plays the quintessential English villain as the ruthless Colonel McNabb, (fans of "The Patriot", if any exist, will recognize a similar character to that of William Tavington played by Jason Isaacs) and acquits himself very well as the villain everyone loves to hate.

    Stunning settings, a rousing script and almost flawless performances make this an extremely watchable three-part drama, and one which I highly recommend.