
  • This is a very good documentary and I strongly believe anyone who is remotely interested in live and musical theater, and the who's who of American theatrics will lap it up with glee. Great interviews with possibly everyone you might want to see (preserved and lucid) as well as incredible footage of the relevant past. It is the old footage that for me is the riveting charm of such a doco and it is as delightful as it is startling. The roll call of those recently departed is a touching climax to what has already been a most heartfelt experience. If you have relatives or friends who know of even a few of the astonishing talented genuine human beings celebrated here it will be one of the major highlights of your shared film viewing. I saw this doco as a cinema film and it truly is captivating and astonishing. If only we can have more of this type of doco capturing those who were there in those legendary times, I believe there is a solid and appreciative audience. Don't miss this!