• I didn't expect much from this show. I went in with an open mind, hoping for the best but expecting mediocrity.

    But - oh GEEZ... this was worse than I expected. During the very first minutes I was accosted with one of my pet peeves pertaining to sitcoms; the canned laughter at minutia. The laugh track was obnoxiously loud and incessant. The smallest, most mundane attempt and humour would result in uproarious laughter from the laugh track. Most of those quips just weren't that funny! Are we so slow of wit that we must be told when to laugh? Have we come to the point where we are expected to parrot laughter simply because we have it blasted at us? Anyway... moving past that particular tirade...

    I didn't find much which was clever in this show. This goes for the humour, characters, plot and situations. Without doubt, the best aspect was Christopher Lloyd. He is a joy to watch, even in drivel like this show. It's a shame his character isn't worthy of his apt portrayal. I appreciate Anderson's willingness to not take herself too seriously in this role. However; a willingness to poke fun at one's self does not a show make. I've never seen much appeal to Pamela Anderson anyway; I feel I could get better eye candy and acting talent at the neighborhood Hooter's (and at least there one has the benefit of noshing on greasy wings at the same time) All in all, it was not clever, original or funny enough for me to suggest anyone watch it. While some shows have a niche appeal, I don't see it for this one. Unless they pull a rabbit out of the hat and instill some unexpected quality to this show, it will be a pointless endeavor.

    What scares me is that the show might actually survive (shudder)