• Wow Matt O'Leary is such a great actor. I especially love him in this movie. He is so cute. N-e-ways I really love this movie. It is so gr8! I voted 9 out of 10 for this movie b/c I think it was really good. And i think that a lot of kids could probably relate in a weird sort of way because when Uri a teenager you want to have a life of your own but parents are always interfering. So you do whatever it takes to get them out. Right? Well thats what they did. Except they didn't exactly Know that they were setting her up with a vampire. But other than the bizarre details and other stuff, i can pretty much relate to their situation. I also think that this movie is really gr8 as Halloween movie for younger children because it has vampires and what some might think as scary situations but at the same time its not too scary for them to watch. I was babysitting my little cousin when that movie came on Disney Channel and since i had already seen it I knew it was perfectly fine for her to watch it cause she wouldn't get nightmares. So i think its fine for anyone who watches the Disney Channel. I really love this movie. Plus one of its main actors is really hot. Hint: ( Matt O'Leary) I mean come on. Am i wrong? No! Of course not! He is so cute and if he doesn't have a girlfriend and we had the chance to chat or even meet then I would definitely go out with him. Not because hes famous but because hes cute, nice, sweet, smart, and he seems like a really gr8 person. Well i gotta go but if Matt reads this then please Matt O'Leary write me sometime and maybe we can chat. well g2g bye love ya