
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett play buddy cops attempting to solve the murder of a rap group in this sub standard action comedy that fails to provide any exciting action sequences or amusing comedy. Hollywood Homicide is a cheap (but not cheerful) version of Lethal Weapon or 48 Hours but without any chemistry between the characters. Harrison Ford has done some decent movies but he appears to be half asleep throughout this film which, considering he is the lead is enough to butcher the movie alone. However, he is aided by a useless and unoriginal story. Hollywood Homicide is actually similar to the recent buddy cop movie Showtime with Eddie Murphy and Robert De Niro. Whist Showtime also has poor chemistry between the main actors there are at least some laughs in the movie, I can find none in Hollywood Homicide. This is a slow and boring movie. Harrison Ford shouldn't have been part of this film and this film should not have been made. I can't ruin the ending to this movie because it is one of the few films that I have actually turned off before completion (since I was engulfed by boredom and disappointment). If I recall correctly, instead of watching the end I flossed my teeth and fed my cat. I am confident that I made the right decision.