
  • So yeah, this movie is supposedly a comedy. It takes a completely unrealistic premise to start with, goes for a couple laughs early on--hey let's hook Morgan Fairchild up to a car battery and make her face bug out with really bad CGI!--then turns into a stupid sappy romance movie where two people are brought together by some random common element (in this case, Eddie Murphy's character). It's like the movie forgot it was supposed to be a comedy and then we have these two people who are supposed to like each other, because the script said so. Eddie Murphy's character is brought into the picture to provide comic relief, but after that first montage of him messing up the sets, all he does is put on the faux guru act. He smiles, and forgives assorted other characters assorted other faults, and generally behaves benevolently. Kelly Preston and Jeff Goldblum fall for each other because they work in the same office. Predictably, one of them does something to lose the other one, and I wonder what happens after then? The jokes stopped coming long ago, so why should we care about these two characters that have no reason to like each other? What's the point?