• Granted,this film was no "blockbuster" when it came out in 1998. It did good business but after it's run,it was sort of forgotten. I have never even seen it on TV (to my knowledge).

    Thank goodness for home video rental & libraries! I just watched it for the first time in 7 years and it was still as great as it was then. Simple plot,a very large boy with a troubled family past,meets and makes friend with a young boy who,despite walking with two hand-grip crutches seems almost fearless and able bodied. As well as very able minded,a genius he is!

    I wont spoil this movie by going into too much detail except to say,watching these two young actors "interact" is what makes it such a triumph in film-making. Stone is great also as the little boy's mother and one would almost not recognize Gillian Anderson outside of the X-Files,I know I didn't! Buy or rent it. Good for kids,to age 8 and up I'd say!

    Edit : August 2010 , finally read the book!