• Warning: Spoilers
    This was a really unusual and very interesting film--especially since the way the movie ends took me by surprise. I won't reveal it, as it might spoil the impact.

    However, there is a serious problem with the plot. Like some other Truffaut films (such as Confidentially Yours), the main theme of the movie MUST be sustained by the actors behaving, at least initially, in a very improbable manner. Let me explain. The leading man and his family live next to a house that is for rent. A man leases it and when the first couple meet the new neighbors, the leading man realizes the new neighbor's wife is his old lover. This all occurs by chance. Okay. This is REALLY improbable but what happens next REALLY strains credibility. Neither the leading man or his ex-lover tell their spouses the truth about their past and this leads to a lot of uncomfortable moments. Considering BOTH were unmarried when their affair occurred and they currently had stable and loving marriages, it just didn't make sense why they didn't bring it all out into the open and have a good laugh about it.

    If you ignore this credibility gap, the rest of the movie is really good and takes a lot of surprising twists. It's worth a watch, but is far from Truffaut's best.