• Even though the episodes became pretty far-fetched as time went on, I really looked forward to Emily each week. To me Chris Dedrick's beautiful theme song alone, with the waves rolling in behind the credits, was worth watching. Every week I got a chuckle out of the caterer's name rolling by--Grilled Cheese, Etc. After the first few episodes I charged out and purchased the Emily paperbacks, to relive my girlhood. I never cared much for the Anne books, but Jane of Lantern Hill, Emily, and The Blue Castle (wish they'd make a series on that one!) were my favorites. Thought the actresses/actors were great and often wonder what some of those younger kids are doing now. This week I've been "rewatching" my Emily tapes in the evenings, as I can find very little worth watching on TV. I'm 72 years old. Thank you.