
  • From the contrarian viewpoint, this is the only Kay Kyser film I've seen yet that I've found watchable. Kyser plays a character other than his usual "Kay Kyser, goofy band leader" -- not a complete change, but just different enough to make him tolerable. And, while it's Kyser's band, someone else has apparently arranged the music so it actually swings and has some oomph for a change.

    The script is as thin as usual for this sort of musical, but passable. Marilyn Maxwell's part doesn't require much acting, but she's a treat when she's on screen. And her singing, which is excellent, is a hoot for the vintage musicals connoisseur to watch - one song she does Mae West, later she puts on a bit of Ginger Rogers.

    Lena Horne's "You're So Indifferent" is a pleasure - in a minimalist bluesy mode, unlike so much of what she did at MGM.