• I have read the novel as well as numerous other Bukowski novels. I understand having to cut a lot out of Factotum to make a movie - it would almost work better as a cable miniseries a la Armisted Maupin's "Tales of the City," taking four or so weeks and spanning say six hours. But what is sooo bad about this adaptation is that it does not in the least capture the vitality and energy not to mention dark humor of Bukowski's writing. When you are reading Bukowski (especially one of his best like Factotum) you can't put it down. You find yourself laughing uncontrollably. There is no fat on the story. But somehow this hack of a director/writer has managed to make Bukowski seem languid and boring. Instead of coming across as a rebel, as he does in his books, he comes across as a dullard in this film. Unlike Bukowski's books, it almost makes you want to stop drinking. Also, Matt Dillon - while a fine actor and one of my favorites - is way too pretty and thin to play Bukowski. Decent make-up, hair, and clothes, but he just looks too much like a pretty boy even with all that. And worst of all is the complete lack of a story through-line. I know Factotum is the kind of anecdotal book that does not lend itself to film narrative, but the writer failed to even pull out one clear direction for this film and in the end you can't help but feel like you are watching nothing at all. Nothing interesting. Nothing of importance. Nothing!