• Let me first say, this movie is darkly hilarious! I mean, you wouldn't think that a movie about kids killing their parents could have such characteristics, but I was nothing short of stunned. It's just so sarcastically funny, and it kind of just keeps you on your toes, not knowing what's next. Some movies that I haven't heard of much tend to be boring in many parts, but this one was just so interesting and so sarcastically funny that you can't wait to see what happens next. My favorite part would probably be the poem during the recital, and I've been looking for a copy of it... if I can't find one, I'll just go copy it out myself. And Alex Campbell, who plays the oldest kid (I think his name in the movie was Joe...) is extremely hot! I dunno, he just seems so appealing and... yeah, just go rent it, 'cause honestly, it's so fun to watch. And it's so fun to watch Alex. Okay, I'm done here.