• I think its a pretty darn good TV movie hey.... although as always the aboriginal roles are relegated to absolute nothing which I wish I wish I wish COULD BE CHANGED!

    But anyways...its about Mary's story..and its pretty realistic about the anarchy, the dirt the grime, the sexually charged atmosphere of depravity..as the Aboriginal elders and young uns watched this cesspool of white convicts raping and killing each other...who were the savages again? It questions many things about Australia as a penal colony journeying with this character of Mary.

    But the film really depicts as many sides to the story as possible and with Jack Davenport playing against his type in the Brit- hit series "Coupling", mix that with a real ball-cruncher of Romola Grai and you've got something thats definitely meant to liven up the dreary boring Sunday night TV. Plus the "soft porny" stuff pretty spiff as well!