
  • What fun! I wasn't expecting to watch or like this show, not being a huge Robert Louis Stevenson, but I was wonderfully surprised! Iain Glen (Alan Breck) was awesome and captivating. He was the reason I started watching. I was flipping channels and when it landed on Kidnapped it stayed there. Its hard to find that level of believability. (This is the guy in Lara Croft?! What the...) It was also fun to find out that James Pearson (David Balfour) could not only act just as well, but could play off of Alan Breck perfectly! I discovered that was the best, and most important, thing about the book. Even with whatever script changes they needed to make to fit the book into two hours, they captured David and Alan's relationship perfectly. I picked up the book after watching Part 1 and finished it before Part 2 aired. The only disappointment was that PBS didn't have the funds or time to fully expand the story longer than two hours. I loved the cast but its sad to think that they could have done even more if they'd had the means. They had to cut some corners around the book to finish off the story in an hour. I'll regret what they could have done but the cast was perfect and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Except for that wig the son of James wears. Ahhh. Kidnapped, who knew?