• NINE MONTHS, in my opinion, is an excellent comedy that will make you laugh and feel good. If you ask me, Dr. Kosevich (Robin Williams) was a little too nervous at times. However, I was surprised that Robin Williams sported his accent for this movie. In addition, whenever Sam (Hugh Grant) and Rebecca (Julianne Moore) had a fight, I felt really bad. It's hard for me to explain why. Even so, when Sam and Marty (Tom Arnold) fought Arnie the Dinosaur (Charles Martinet), I laughed really hard. If you want to know why, you'll have to see the movie. Now, in conclusion, I highly recommend this excellent comedy that will make you laugh and feel good to any Hugh Grant or Julianne Moore fan who hasn't seen it. You're in for lots of laughter, so go to the video store, rent it or buy it, kick back with a friend, and watch it.