• A little bit of a let down. Personal opinion, this was a movie with much more potential that was never allowed to reach that. Sean Patrick Flanery has good moments in the movie, but as a whole his performance doesn't come close to some of his other movies like Powder and Boondock Saints. This is the first movie I saw of Gina Gershon, I definitely want to see more movies, not because she was so good in this one, but because it seems as if she is capable of so much more. Many components could have been put together so much better. The music for instance doesn't always seem to suit the situation, A+ for effort, but it just wasn't there yet. There were all the ingredients for a good thriller, just not enough of everything, so instead of a cake, you got a cupcake. Unfortunately, masterpiece is not the first word that jumps to mind. It's a good storyline, not predictable. It is an interesting storyline, Some good actors, great potential, but something didn't quite work. not a movie to rent out, but if you can't sleep and it happens to be on the television, go ahead.