• As Head of Delegation for a Special Olympic Texas team who has athletes featured in this movie, I have to take exception with the concept of assuming the athletes are being teased and made fun of in this movie. I spent most of 3 months on the set watching the filming 2 years ago and I know how very carefully Special Olympics International has watched the development of this movie. They have been involved in every aspect of this movie, from script development to final product. I also know how very careful Special Olympics is with putting their seal of approval on projects. They simply do not endorse ANYTHING, yet they are completely and 100% behind this movie.

    I have seen the movie and can't wait to take every member of my team. Many of them have seen the movie and indeed are in it. At the premiere in Austin December 6 my athletes were howling with laughter and having a great time. While I will admit that Johnny Knoxville, the Farrelly Brothers and Special Olympics do not seem to make the best mix in the world, this works. And it is a beautiful movie. There are a few dirty words (like Forrest Gump) and a few tasteless jokes, but it is screamingly funny and has worlds of heart. The athletes are always, ALWAYS treated with the utmost respect. Unlike most movies about the mentally handicapped, there are major parts in this movie played by genuine special Olympic athletes, and they used some 200 special Olympic extra's. This was a labor of love, on both sides of the camera. It deserves to be viewed and respected. The producers had a vision of bringing to life and light the fact that mentally challenged people are well rounded and enjoyable people. They did it beautifully. Go see the movie and laugh with all your heart.