• but for all intents and purposes this is a fake late 50's/early 60's sex comedy - a talky, contrived, stagebound, mostly unfunny B movie with a lower grade cast which comes to the A movie party in an expensive gown and diamonds.

    Underwhelming. It has its moments but Steve McQueen should never have been put in this kind of film. Ever. I've always thought him over-rated as both an actor and an icon of 'cool' but he did do some watchable work in his career. He's watchable enough here, but it's like watching Bogart playing a Mexican gunslinger in an Errol Flynn Western (which really happened). McQueen gives it a decent shot but he's no Cary Grant or Rock Hudson in the sophisticated funny department.

    The whole picture just lays there flat on the screen. The whole idea of it is pretty pointless. When you see the credits start you'll think you're in for an entertaining 60's romantic romp. But it all sinks pretty fast after that. Worth a look, but definitely not a must see.