
  • Hearing the title of the show "Stacked" and then hearing that Pamela Anderson was starring in it i thought this show would be terrible. However being one that enjoy's sitcoms i thought i'd give this one ago. Surprisingly it is quite a good show, it took me a couple of shows to warm to it. At the beginning i thought, yes this is an alright show. So thinking it had potential continued watching it and a few shows into the series came a show that had me laughing out loud hilariously through the whole episode, like other sitcoms that i've enjoyed.

    Skylar (pamela Anderson) plays a lady who is trying to make her life more steady and less wild, Gavin (elon gold) the owner of the store who clashes with Skylar, Stuart (Brian Scolaro) desperately wants Skylar, Katrina (Marissa Jaret Winokur) tends to have the witty comments and acts like a sound bored for Skylar and Harold (Christopher Lloyd) the regular customer who sits and reads his paper, drinks his coffee and is the wise old man with the voice of reason. The banter of the brothers, the clash of Skylar and Gavin, the chasing of Skylar by Stuart, straight up humour of Katrina and the perspective of the retired scientist make this show an interesting combination of personalities and a great base for a comedy show. Being set in a book store i never expected such a setting to be able to create such a funny dialogue/characters. My first thought is that this show reminds me a lot of "Just Shoot Me". "Just Shoot Me" is one of my favourtie sitcoms and "Stacked" i believe has the potential to be a really good sitcom, it's certainly one of the better one's to recently come out.