• Warning: Spoilers
    When my brother and I were little, we had a few movies that we would watch over and over and over again until we had them memorized because as far as we were concerned, they were the best, and "Going Bananas" was definitely one of them. By now he's outgrown it, but for me there is no getting past it, I love this movie. Not only is it an enjoyable story of a boy, Ben, touring Africa and making friends with a talking monkey (who can be more trouble than he's worth sometimes), but it's also hysterical to see the monkey pick on Big Bad Joe and get away with it. There is a bit of a graphic scene where Ben gets attacked by scorpions after taking a fall, but aside from that, it's an excellent movie for kids. If you enjoy a good laugh (and there's plenty to be found in this movie), I would highly recommend seeing "Going Bananas",