• Anita Ekberg made this film in the late 1970s, just when her career was in dire need of a boost. Well I've got some bad news for Ekberg fans, this isn't the star vehicle that any of you were looking for. In fact, it's pretty weak. There was a plot, but it wasn't that great. The directing was alright, but most of the production value on the film was merely mediocre.

    Ekberg plays a middle aged nun who works for a Catholic hospital somewhere in Europe. She has recently had a brain tumor removed and was told that she made a complete recovery. Ekberg has her doubts because she finds herself acting in bizarre ways. There are several murders at the hospital that Ekberg believes she was responsible due to her changing mental condition. The only person who seems to know about her problems is her roommate/lesbian lover.

    The plot isn't very difficult, and the twist is predictable. Look for Joe Dallesandro of "Flesh for Frankenstein" fame (his voice is dubbed, so we don't get to hear the Jersey accent), and some mild lesbian action. Other than that, it's really not worth bothering with.