
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Starkweather was an enjoyable watch for me, as a person who has interest in tales of true crime. This movie was fairly accurate to what really happened, despite several minor differences here and there.

    The actor who played Charles Starkweather was funny to me, unintentionally. Whenever he yelled or tried to sound "tough" at any point in the movie, I had to laugh. It was pretty funny. It's not that he's a bad actor, but, I don't know, there's just something funny about him.

    The movie could have used a tad more gore, but had enough blood to justify it's R rating, so it's alright.

    The dialogue was fairly bad, however. Lance Henricksen's character, the evil Elliot Ness who convinces Charlie to kill people then scolds him when he does it, was pretty silly. This should not have been in the movie. In reality, there was no indication that Starkweather had a scary man who followed him around and had him kill frogs and mechanics.

    Starkweather stands as a moderately enjoyable watch, a horror movie better than average, but not quite golden. It tells a good story, and while not entirely accurate, it entertains. As far as the serial killer movies go, it's much better than the last one I saw, which was the rather lackluster Gacy.