• I would stay up late watching this when it aired on television back in the late 60's early 70's. And of course the "Book of Ruth" has always been one of my favorite books of the Bible. This is truly a great love story. And in my eyes, there could never be another 'Ruth' other then Elana Eden. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen on the big or small screen, hands down. When I read the Biblical account of Ruth, she is the one that I picture in my head as Ruth.

    Granted, the movie doesn't follow the Bible word for word, but that's Hollywood for you. But it does follow the general story pretty close. For those of you who enjoy a great love story, (and I grew up reading Harlequin romances) this is one to add to your collection. And now it is finally available on DVD! My VHS copy is pretty well worn out by now.