• I agree with the earlier reviewer; she proves her acting ability, despite a thin script and bland dialogue. Peter Horton is also good, at least not the usual slick lawyer from a firm- (ergo; he is a sympathetic character!!) That is NOT an easy accomplishment, to portray a lawyer AND be a likable character.

    In fact, I will not even watch movies anymore about attorneys, courtroom dramas, etc. Writers, please take note after the Scott Peterson and Michael Jackson debacles last year, the phrase "courtroom drama" has been maxxed out, for at least the next ten years. That being said, this film was based on a true story, and there are minimal courtroom settings.

    The sociopath is portrayed by Carrie Snodgress, who also played opposite Steve Railsback in the movie "Ed Gein". She does an excellent job, as always. So watch the film for her performance- and for genuine acting, by a talented actor.